Thursday, August 30, 2012

Celebrating connection through service and movement

Building community ties through service and movement,
we walk the path toward liberation together.

For Centuries tribes and communities have celebrated movement together.

Jumping is vitality, jumping together gives the community a lift.
Here children play the game Osani.  “Osani” is pygmy for “Love”.
From Kids Yoga

 You have a move, I have a shoulder, Daisy Chain Yoga brings group yoga to a whole new level.
Lets celebrate each others bloom by sharing and practicing yoga together.The group participation
not only helps us open up to ourselves but to each other.

Inward warrior

Reclining Vine

Traditianl Aborignal Belyuen Dancing

Folding Star

From Costa Rica, the Bribri have their own language (it resembles Spanish, but has a tribal sound to it as well). They live in little huts without any electricity, and rely on farming for their food. They use plants in the jungle  to help cure everything from a headache to a broken bone. The ceremonial drum and dance Is integrated in their culture.  As part of the ceremony they often drink chicha, a traditional fermented maize drink.


Desmond Tuttu once shared a famous African saying with me, I am because we are. Daisy Chain yoga is because we are. As I consider the prospect of teaching in a world so full of talented people each with something valuable to teach and share  I realize that what I most have to offer is my ability to connect people together so we may celebrate each other more fully. I have always served in that role somewhat naturally and now I realize helping us celebrate each other is my yoga.

 Daisy Chain yoga was accidentally created in Tuolomni meadows on a volunteer Sierra club outing.
Like the Indians that have walked on these lands for 6,000 years we stood in the meadow in a circle and shared common ground. We each shared a yoga pose with each other and by the time the circle was complete our bodies were at ease. I will be leading outdoor yoga retreats in Yosemite to breath into our selves and our world together. If you are interested please contact me. 

yosemite yoga
Balanced Rock .org

Mind-Body-Spirit Journeys
Yosemite National Park is a world-heritage site celebrated as one of the most sacred places on earth. Retreats and backpack trips harness the transformational power of nature to inspire deep connection with your own inner wisdom. Cultivate holistic health and wellness, rejuvenate yourself, and transform your life.